Crowley’s 9-1-1 access bill becomes law


Mayor Bill de Blasio signed Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley’s 9-1-1 access bill into law.

The legislation requires direct access to emergency 911 services and for telephone systems to provide a central location for responding personnel to an emergency scene.

In public places and hotels, often residents need to dial out before reaching out for emergency help, but this law would eliminate that barrier.

“This law is one more measure in making New York City safer, and ensuring everyone has equal access to help that could ultimately save lives,” Crowley said. “It will serve to prevent the tragic circumstances that fell upon Kari Hunt, and will also help emergency services respond to calls more promptly and efficiently. In every emergency situation, a mere few seconds could be the difference between life and death. This law will help save precious seconds and improve the city’s emergency response system.”

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